MVP Brand Builders Accelerator Program

The ultimate 12-months program designed to help you unlock your business’s full potential following the latest market trends, using the latest digital marketing strategies, A.I tools and branding techniques.

Are you facing these CHALLENGES in your business?

Digital Marketing: Struggling to keep up with digital trends?

Branding: Finding it hard to stand out in your industry?

AI Tools: Unsure how to use AI for marketing?

Leads & Sales:Not getting the numbers in?

12+ years of hands-on experience in growing big brands across APAC...

Having witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, I understand its significance as more than just an investment—it’s an immersive experience that can redefine your business trajectory.

Throughout my journey, I’ve come to appreciate the critical role that brand presence plays in driving growth. Businesses that fully embrace branding consistently see substantial increases in revenue. The evidence is clear: a well-crafted brand presence can elevate customer engagement and boost conversion rates, reshaping the way companies thrive in the digital landscape.

These aren’t just numbers; they represent a world of opportunities for those who grasp the intricacies of digital marketing, branding, AI tools, and marketing technology.

With the MVP Brand Builders Accelerator program, I will use all my insights, strategies and my experiences, to help you propel your business to greater success.


Years of Experience


Sign Ups


Client Satisfaction


Business Awards

What MVP Brand Builders Accelerator Program does for You?

MVPBB Accelerator Program is 12-months program that is highly customized and designed to help you achieve your business’s goals.

#1 Assess & Understand

We will assess your current business situation in all areas to understand where you are right now.


#2 Highlight & Recommend

We will highlight the areas of improvement and recommend the solutions to help you address all your business challenges effectively.


#3 Register & Start

All you need to do is register your interest first. Upon confirmation on interview, slot availability and payment, we shall begin our journey together.


#4 12-Months Program

I will work directly with you week in week out for the next 52 weeks to address challenges and execute effectively.


#5 Direct Access

I will give you direct mobile and email access so that you get advise and guide on your business.


Register Your Interest today!

Tse Liang

12+ years of transforming brands with unrivaled differentiation, unparalleled recognition, and 2-3X sales acceleration via digital marketing and branding

My Experiences

I’ve worked with some of the biggest brands, companies and celebrities in the world


What they’re saying..

Register Now & Get Your
FIRST Consultation


Normal Price: RM 997

Take the first step towards unlocking your business's full potential

Embark on a transformative journey by taking the first step towards unleashing the full potential of your business.

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